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English and Arabic speakers have access to the Arabic Media Internet Network. It features various articles from various sources concerning important Palestinian issues.ARIJ: Applied Research Institute of Jerusalem
Applied Research Institute of Jerusalem (ARIJ) is a non-profit organization that promotes sustainable development within Palestine by working toward greater Palestinian self-reliance and control over their natural resources. Facts, statistics, maps, etc on Palestine environment issues.
Begin-Sadat Institute for Strategic Studies, Bar Ilan University
This site concentrates on the study of Middle East peace, history and security, especially regarding national security and the foreign policy of Israel. Information about the different areas of concentration, which varies from the war in Southern Lebanon to, arms control in the Middle East. There are three publications on the site. Each is dedicated to one of the central themes.
Ben-Gurion University, Department of Middle East Studies
This website is dedicated to the study and research of the numerous methodologies of the Middle East. A thorough history can be found on the site, as well as an explanation of the cultures. The center offers workshops on various topics which are announced on the same site.
University of Bergen, Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures
This program promotes the study of Arabic language. The university offers opportunities to study and lists contact numbers for more information and admissions. Other useful links on the same subject are featured on the same site.
Birzeit University
Birzeit University, which is located in Palestine, is dedicated to the betterment of the Palestinian community. Palestinian concerns and community needs are addressed in this institute for higher education.
Center for Middle East Studies, University of California Berkeley
Von Grunebaum Center for Near Eastern Studies, University of California Los Angeles
This center has research, academic, and outreach as well as information on schools, businesses, and media is available on this sight. A newsroom with articles concerning the Near East, and links to other relevant sites are available.
Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine
This center, based in Washington, DC, offers information about the region, and the history of Palestine, but focuses most on the US-Palestinian relationship. Information on internships, publications, briefs, and cultural events is obtainable on the website.Early Childhood Research Center
This Palestinian NGO is committed to tackling the subjects of childhood education, care and development. The center is based in Jerusalem and works with other organizations interested in child development. The Early Childhood Research Center also publishes children’s books, teaches, and offers teacher training programs.Gaza Community Mental Health Programme
GCMHP is a non-profit Palestinian NGO that serves the Gaza Strip. It provides mental health services such as, therapy, rehabilitation, and public awareness through forums and public events. It programs are geared towards traumatized children, victims of violence, and other human rights violations.Health Development, Information, and Policy Institute (HDIP)
The institute is dedicated to the health care concerns of the Palestinian community. Information on other NGO initiatives in rural and urban areas is also featured on the site. The latest casualty numbers in the Palestinian community are frequently updated.
Islamic Legal Studies Program, Harvard Law School
This program focuses on in the study and research of Islamic law. Publications, upcoming events and other useful links are available.Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University
This center supports academic programs in the Middle East, North Africa, and Turkey Activities and links to other scholastic sites on the same subject can be found on this website.
Department of Near Eastern Languages & Cultures/Middle East Studies Program, Indiana University
This department offers BA and graduate programs in fields such as Arabic, Hebrew and Islamic studies. NELC is apart of Indiana University’s “mission to foster cross cultural understanding and international education." Course offerings and NELC events are available on this site.
Israel/Palestine Center for Research & Information (IPCRI)
The Israel/Palestine Center for Research & Information is a joint Israeli/Palestinian public policy think tank looking for practical and peaceful solutions to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. It offers various publications for downloading.MEDEA European Institute for Research on Mediterranean and Euro-Arab Cooperation
This Belgian institute has developed a website for French, Arabic, and English speaking audiences. There is a range of information about the Palestinian government, refugees, and the United Nations.Middle East Nonviolence and Democracy—Jerusalem
MEND was created in 1998 to focus on nonviolence and democracy through training and awareness. MEND uses holistic, participatory, regional, gender, and media issues to bring forth dialogue. Information on internships, projects and funding is available on the site.MIFTAH
Its mission is to provide a Palestinian forum where Public debate can occur. Miftah is based in Jerusalem and is committed to fostering the principles of democracy. Information on current programs, projects, and links to other sites is available.The Middle East Policy Council
The Middle East Policy Council, based in Washington, DC, promotes understanding and discussion of US policy in Middle Eastern affairs. Its journal is proclaimed as “the most cited publication on the Middle East in the field of International Relations." There are links to current journal articles.Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, University of Michigan
The center’s program is available on the website, along with a list of publications in various languages.
Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies, New York University
This academic center focuses on “political, cultural, and economic issues" concerning the region and hosts workshops and public events that are listed on the site. Information on M.A. and Ph.D. programs is on the center’s website.
Tamer Institute for Community Education
The Tamer Institute, based in Ramallah researches the “concerns and needs” of the Palestinian people and conducts educational programs for children. This website offers a Palestinian view on historical and current events. Poetry and other literature from Palestinians are also features on the website. English and Arabic speakers can enjoy this site.Near Eastern Studies Programme, University of Oxford (UK)
This program has various publications, seminars and research information. There are lists of grants, scholarships, and links available to further one’s research on the Near East. There is also an updated calendar on this site.The Palestinian Academic Network
The Palestinian Academic Network aims to provide accurate information on higher education institution in Palestine. It also provides educational, technological and organizational help to Palestinian education. There are opportunities for special interest groups to exchange ideas and knowledge.Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs
This independent Arab non-profit institution researches the question of Palestine, extensively examines the status of Jerusalem, and provides a forum for the free expression of the spectrum of perspectives on the Palestinians. It offers links to facts, publications, projects, and seminars.Palestinian Counseling Center
PCC was established in 1983 to promote community development by introducing the concept of mental health. It staff, made up of counselors and experts, introduced counselors to Palestinian schools, focus on habilitation and rehabilitation. Contact information is available on PCC’s website.Palestinian Energy & Environment Research
Established on 1993, this center conducts studies on the needs of the community’s energy needs. Information on current projects and community goals are listed.Palestine Planning Center
The site for Arabic speakers.Middle East Center, University of Pennsylvania
The university has more than 300 courses for studying the Middle East. MA, BA, Ph.D., and joint degree programs with the law school are offered each academic year. Links, calendar events, and a guide to research sources are available on the site.
Middle East Studies Center, Portland State University
Department of the Languages and Cultures of the Near Middle East, University of London
This department teaches courses that reflect the political and economic importance of the region. Graduate and undergraduate courses are available on the site as well as information on current research topics.Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, Tel Aviv University
The center “seeks to impact an understanding of Middle Eastern past and present to academic general audiences in Israel and Palestine."Center for Middle Eastern Studies, University of Texas at Austin
The mission of this center is to train Middle East specialists for business, government and other professions and to promote understanding of the region.
Middle East Center, University of Utah
Established in 1960, the center promotes the study of the languages, literature, culture, history and politics of the region. Information on outreach programs, calendar events and links to other similar sites is available.
Asian and Middle Eastern Cultures, University of Virginia
This department teaches the major languages, literature, and culture of this area of the world. The undergraduate program has numerous resources and opportunities for student to study abroad.Middle East Center, University of Washington
This program offers courses in Comprehensive Islamic Studies, language, culture, biblical, and ancient history. Exchange programs and financial aid information is available.
Council on Middle East Studies, Yale Center for International Studies
Yale University offers degree programs, ranging from anthropology to the languages and civilization of the Middle East. The council hosts seminars, lectures, fellowship and grants.The Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees
The UPMRC was founded in 1979 by a group of Palestinian doctors and health professionals attempting to supplement the poor health infrastructure in Palestinian communities. Activities, publications, link and contact information is available on the site.The Welfare Association Consortium for the Management of Palestine NGO Project
This organization is funded by the World Bank, the Italian and Saudi Arabian governments, and the Welfare Association (USA). It provides services to the poor and disadvantaged of Palestinian society, as well as helping otherNGOs. Contact, publication and program information is available on the website.
Al-Jana: Arab Resource Center for Popular Arts/ARCPA
Based in Lebanon, Al Jana Resource Center for the Popular Arts is dedicated to helping Palestinian refugees. Palestinian youth are given a chance to learn about the arts and have a safe learning environment. Al Jana offers a learning environment in its library, which contains writers and videos records of the oral culture and history of Palestine.
Baha Boukhari
Palestinian, Baha Boukhari’s website is filled with political cartoons for Arabic speakers.
Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center, Ramallah
This center promotes a renaissance of Palestinian arts culture.
Riwaq: Center for Architecture
This center wants to protect the Palestinian architectural culture heritage. The center has information about its community outreach, books, research, publications and contact information.
The Shammouts are a Palestinian couple that has posted their art on this site. They capture Palestine history at its good and bad times in their art.
Ministry of Health
This website serves as the health information center for the Palestinian people. Reports and statistics concerning the current situation and available on the site. The Ministry of Health offers information on various health topics, medical aid, and upcoming events.Ministry of Higher Education
Established in 1996, the Ministry of Higher Education is responsible for all higher education institutes, programs and activities. Information on the Council of Higher Education and the Council of Science Research is available on this site.Ministry of Industry
Based in Ramallah, this ministry facilitates growth in the business and industrial sectors of Palestinian society. Information on current events, the financial and industrial sectors, and the economic situation in Palestine is available on this website.Orient House
The Orient House is committed to the development of Arab Jerusalem. Due to the Israeli occupation of the Orient House, limited information on this site is available on department services before August, 2001.
Palestinian National Authority Official Website
The official website of the PLO offers daily insight into events going on in the region. Daily progress reports are available on the site concerning international affairs, the peace process, the United Nations and the government.
Palestinian Ministry of Labour
English and Arabic speakers can view this website which address labor issues in Palestine. The functions of the Ministry of Labour, publications, statistics and information on vocational training are available.
United Nations, Office of the Special Coordinator in the Occupied Territories
The UNSCO office in Palestine makes quarterly reports on Palestine. Copies of these reports dating back to 1996 can be obtained from this site as well as other special reports and a directory of NGOs in the West Bank.
Academic Freedom First
This is a Palestinian students’ organization fighting for the rights of Palestinian students in Israel. Information on the crimes and human rights abuses against students in Gaza are available on the site.
Addameer is a Palestinian NGO organization fighting for the right of Palestinians. Their programs include a prisoner’s support system and various lobbying campaigns.
Al Haq
This human right organization, based in Ramallah, has updated press releases in French and English. Information on internship programs, publications, and updated press releases are on the site.
The Alternative Information Center (AIC)
Badil is the “resource center for Palestinian residency and refugee right,” based in Beit Jala. English and Arabic speakers can find information on protection, international law, and other topic related to Palestine.
B’Tselem, The Israeli Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories
B’Tselem is an Israeli human rights center that tries to influence Israeli policy toward the occupied territory. Hebrew, English and Arabic speaking individuals can read information on public actions, publications, press releases, and how to help.
Human Rights Action Project, Birzeit University
The Human Rights Project has information on recent detentions and the human rights record. Cases of students being detained, contact information and links can be found on the site.
Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Watch contains updated news concerning human rights abuses the world. Issues such as arms, women’s rights, racism, refugees, and children rights are available on this site. Specific information on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is available in English and Arabic.LAW – The Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment
English and Arabic speakers can find out the latest news, reports and press releases on this site. The society was founded by Palestinian lawyers for the protection of human rights.
The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights
The center is an independent legal body based in Gaza City dedicated to the protection of human right and promoting the rule of law, among other things. This website offers weekly reports on Israeli human rights violations, press releases, reports and studies.
Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group
Founded in 1996, the Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group monitors human rights violations in Palestine. English and Arabic information is available on this site about outreach services, factsheets and publications.
Palestinian Independent Commission for Citizen’s Rights (PICCR)
The Palestinian Independent Commission for Citizens’ Rights is the “first national human rights institution in the Arab World.” Publications, articles and special reports are featured in Arabic and English.
Women’s Affairs Technical Committee (WATC)
This organization is concerned with issues facing women in Palestine. Information on forums, economics and statistics concerning women is available on their site.
Women’s Centre for Legal Aid And Counseling
Based in Jerusalem, the Women’s Center for Legal Aid and Counseling promotes equality between men and women. Contact information, programs, publications, UN Documents are available on their site.Hanthala
Hanthala is “dedicated to international law and human rights.” News and poetry also can be found on this site.
Al-Ahram Weekly
This Egyptian delivers Egyptian, Middle East, and cultural news to audiences around the world.
Ha’aretz reports news from Israel in Hebrew and English. World news, business, sports and other news are available.
Al-Hayyat Al-Jadedah
News for those fluent in Arabic.
Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs
News from an Israeli prospective is available on topics such as terrorism, global issues, and Palestine. Policy statements and publications are also in French and Spanish.
Jerusalem Media and Communication Center
JMCC is a Palestinian news organization. Daily press summaries, poll results, opinions, and research reports are available on this site.
The Jerusalem Times
Jerusalem Times is an independent weekly magazine from Palestine with news on current events, business and education.
Middle East Research and Information Project PINs
Based in Washington, DC, MERIP’s provides news and perspectives about the Middle East not available in main stream media. They include frequent reports on Israel and Palestine.
Wafa, Palestine News Agency
English, Hebrew, and Arabic speakers can read about the current status of Israeli and Palestinians in Wafa, the official Palestinian news agency.
Al-Azhar University, Gaza
Al-Azhar University, an Arab Islamic university, is located in the Gaza Strip in Palestine. Post graduate and undergraduate degrees are offered at the university.
Al-Quds University
This university in Jerusalem strives to educate Palestinians in a wide range of fields. Information about summer programs, graduate and student affairs is on its site.
An-Najah University
The An-Najah University was founded as a secondary school in 1918 in Nablus, Palestine. Its website is in both English and Arabic and includes information about academic programs.
Arab-American University
This educational institute was founded in 1995 and is located in Jenin. As the first private University in Palestine, the university implements the American education system. It serves the Palestinian community with qualified faculty, educational and technological facilities.The Bethlehem Bible College
The Bethlehem Bible College is an interdenominational Christian Bible college. It strives to prepare Christian leaders in an Arab world.
Bethlehem University
Bethlehem University was founded in October 1973 by the De LaSalle Brothers, who are dedicated to making higher learning easily accessible to students in the West Bank and Gaza. The site is for both English and French speakers.
Birzeit University
Birzeit University, located in north of Ramallah. Its website includes information about travel links, cultural guides, as well as a listing on conferences on issues significant to Palestinian society in its website.
Birzeit University Continuing Ed. Dept.
The Continuing Education Department at Birzeit University strives to serve the Palestinian community’s need for managerial, technical, and service skills.
Ibrahimieh Community College
In English and Arabic.
Islamic University of Gaza (IUG)
Islamic University of Gaza’s mission is to “provide high quality education to Palestinian students.” It offers degree, non-degree programs and post graduate programs. Part of the site is still under construction.
Talktha Kumi School, Beit Jala
The Talktha Kumi School was founded in Jerusalem in 1850 by German institutes. English and German speakers can visit this site that is still partly under construction.
This site deals with the secondary school exit examinations for Arabic speakers.Palestine Polytechnic
PPU was founded by the University Graduate Union, a non-profit organization,in 1978. Over 2000 students are currently enrolled in Bachelors or Associate degrees in one of the four colleges. Information on student, public, and athletic services are available.