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Heidi Morrison


Dr. Heidi Morrison is Associate Professor of History at the University of Wisconsin, La Crosse.  After completing the PARC Faculty Development Seminar in 2010, Morrison developed a research project on oral histories of Palestinians who grew up in the second intifada. Her research in the West Bank has been supported by a PARC U.S. Fellowship in 2012, a Fulbright Scholarship in 2013-2014, and a PARC/NEH Fellowship in 2014. She is currently writing a monograph entitled Surviving Memory in Palestine: Children of the Second Intifada. Morrison is the editor of Palestinian Children: Targets of Settler Colonialism, Agents of National Struggle (University of Georgia Press, 2018, expected). In addition to her work on Palestine, Morrison is the author of Childhood and Colonial Modernity in Egypt (Palgrave 2015) and the editor of The Global History of Childhood Reader (Routledge 2012).